Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Media 5 years from Now

Describe your vision of how the media world will be for most people five years from now. Discuss how and where people will access news, entertainment, and other media content, and examine what media companies may be important. Think back through all the readings to give examples and contexts.

Media has changed so much from years ago. There was a time when a group of Englishmen, Germans, and Frenchmen lived together on an island. They didn’t have any connections to the outside world other than a mail steamer that came once every sixty days. This was their media. These men were friends and got along until the mail steamer brought them the news that English and French had been fighting. Just to show how powerful media is they were told they were not friends but enemies. That was the last news they got so they fought when in reality there had been a truce and there was no need to fight. The next big media hit was newspapers. Many people lived by their daily newspaper. Of course, media has evolved a lot more now. We can turn on our televisions, computers, or even phones to find out exactly what is going on at any time during the day. Just go to CNN’s webpage and you will see that it is updated with news daily and articles are updated as soon as they get new information. In five years, I feel media will be all electronic. I think newspapers and even magazines are becoming a thing in the past. The web will take over even more and consume people. Not only will they look to the web for entertainment, they will go there for news and learning experiences. Just look at the social media, Facebook. You can find just about anything on there. In just a couple clicks you can see the weather, recipes, celebrity news, and what are friends are doing. That is amazing to do in one place which is what is really needed in this fast paced world we are in. Just think about how much quicker our lives will be going by in five years. A one shop place like Facebook is perfect.